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Learn More About Mandala Coaching
Links to useful resources, tools, and other information

Frequently Asked Questions
Still have questions? Email or give me a call.

  • Coaching and therapy/counseling are both focused on helping individuals improve their lives, but there are key differences between the two. Therapy/counseling typically focuses on healing past traumas, resolving psychological issues, and improving mental health. It often deals with deep-seated emotions, behaviors, and thoughts that can be limiting. Coaching, on the other hand, focuses on setting and focuses on setting and achieving goals in the present and future. It often involves creating a plan, taking action, and making changes to reach a desired outcome.

    While coaching may touch on some personal issues, it primarily focuses on helping the client move forward and improve their overall satisfaction with life. Additionally, therapy/counseling is usually more directive, with the therapist taking the lead in determining the focus of the sessions. In coaching, addresses personal and professional growth and development while the client is in charge, with the coach serving as an accountability partner and guide.

  • Clients expect their coach to be an active partner in their personal growth and development journey, helping them to clarify their goals, create a plan, and take action toward a better future.

  • In your first 30-minute video coaching session (via phone or computer), you and your Coach will get to know one another and explore what coaching is and how it can help you achieve your goals. In your following sessions (frequency will depend on your plan), your Coach will be an unbiased partner, helping you answer questions that will guide you on your path to growth and success.

  • A good fit between a coach and a client is based on several factors, including compatibility, areas of expertise, rapport, availability, and a track record of success.

    It is important to take the time to thoroughly research and interview potential coaches to ensure a positive and productive coaching experience.

  • * Goal tracking: Tracking progress towards specific, measurable goals is one of the most straightforward ways to measure success in coaching. This includes setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals and tracking progress over time.

    * Self-assessment: Regular self-assessment allows clients to reflect on their progress and identify areas where they have made improvements and areas where they need to continue to work period this can involve keeping a journal comma filling out questionnaires comma or using other self-reflection tools.

    * Feedback from others: Feedback from colleagues, friends, and family can provide valuable insights into the impact coaching has had on the client's personal and professional life.

    * Results and outcomes: Measuring the results and outcomes of coaching commas such as improved relationships commas increase productivity commas or enhanced skills commas can provide a clear picture of how coaching has been impactful.

    It's important to track progress and success in a way that is meaningful and relevant to the client and their unique goals. Regular check-ins and progress reports can help keep clients on track and motivated and provide opportunities for coaching to be adjusted as needed.

  • Yes, every coaching session is virtual and we will meet via video meeting.

  • Call Mandala Coaching to determine the best package for you.

Our Blog

  • Unleashing the Hero Within: Embracing Courage in a Chaotic World

    We all have stuff going on, and we all have issues and trauma from our past that seem to creep up throughout our lives, and we don’t realize how it’s holding us back; especially with reaching our highest potential.

  • Why do I need a life coach/personal coach/professional coach?
    A personal coach can have a significant positive impact on your life. A coach can help you set and achieve your personal and professional goals, overcome obstacles and challenges, and improve your overall well-being.One of the main benefits of working with...
  • What does it mean to focus on the “Whole Person”?

    When a professional coach focuses on the whole person, they take a holistic approach to coaching that encompasses all aspects of the client's life. This means that the coach considers the clients physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and professional well-being and helps the client integrate all of these aspects into their life in a meaningful way.

  • Why and how does Failure Lead to Success?

    Failure is an inevitable part of the journey toward success period failure can lead to success in several ways

  • Life is full of challenges and difficulties. How do these experiences make you stronger?

    Difficulties in life can be challenging, but they can also make you stronger in several ways

  • Top 10 Reasons You Need a Certified Professional Coach

Helpful Links and Resources
Keep current with the latest industry information and insights

Stay up-to-date with the latest resources, news, and research.

  • This is a practical podcast focused on giving you actionable insights to increase your career success. The description of the podcast at iTunes says it all: “When you become a better thinker, doer, presenter and leader, more career fun, wins, meaning and money awaits.” Who doesn’t want to buy into that promise?

  • This podcast is all about finding the courage you need to uncover, clarify and pursue your true passions. The focus is on being braver and acting on what will make you happy and more successful in your career. It helps you align who you are with what you do and how you do it –essential principles of personal branding. Kathy’s empathic style of interviewing is addictive to listen to. 

  • In this weekly podcast, Stever Robbins – A.K.A. the Get-It-Done Guy – helps you apply proven strategies for increasing your productivity so you can increase your success. Stever is one of the smartest and most approachable people I know, and he shares his knowledge to help his listeners make things happen. If you find your do-list paralyzing or the number of emails in your inbox frustrating, this podcast is for you. 

  • In this podcast, Lewis Howes answers the question: What makes the greatest people great? And then he helps you apply what you learn to your life. This podcast has received a lot of notoriety and accolades, and with good reason. It’s certainly worth a listen.

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